Recurring Activities
MARC EXEC MEETINGS: Held semi-annually in January and September, the first Monday of the month, at 7:00 P.M. at the MARC Clubhouse
MARC CLUB MEETINGS: 2nd Monday of Month, September thru May, 7:00 PM at Marion Fairgrounds Clubhouse.
MARES TRAINING / PRACTICE MEETINGS: 4th Thursday of Month, 7:00 PM at the MARC clubhouse at the Marion County Fairgrounds.
ARES ALERT-NET: Amateur Radio Emergency Service Alert Net is Wednesday night at 8:00PM on the WW8MRN 147.30 repeater. Alternate is 146.895. The net is preparing for communication emergency. Procedures, methods, and testing radio equipment is emphasized.
Periodic Activities
FIELD DAY: Amateur Radio Field Day is held the last full weekend in June. This years date will be June 24th and 25th 2013. The club will hold this years FD at the old Armory. Set up will begin Thursday Friday before the weekend. Contacts that count for points start at 2:00pm the 24nd . The event continues 24 hours ending June 25h at 2:00pm. Tear down and clean up follows.
SKYWARN TRAINING: Every year in March or April MARC sponsors the Cleveland Weather Service Skywarn training seminar. This is held at Tri-Rivers Career Center Auditorium. Start time is 6:30 so that the speaker can get back to Cleveland at a reasonable time. Everyone is welcome: Amateurs, family members, firefighters, police, sheriff deputies, and anyone with a general desire to learn weather spotting.
HOT TAMALE BICYCLE RIDE: The Hot Tamale Bicycle tour is held the first full weekend in June. Marion Amateur Radio Club uses radios to relay information during tours. Hazardous conditions and severe weather are watched and reported along with rider status. This is a good exercise to prepare for a communication emergency.
POPCORN 500 BICYCLE TOUR: Popcorn 500 is a bicycle tour held during the Marion Popcorn Festival. The Marion Popcorn Festival is the first full weekend after Labor Day – Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Popcorn 500 runs on Saturday morning. ARES and other radio amateurs monitor cyclist progress and address where help is needed.
CLUB PICNIC: Plans for the Marion Amateur Radio Club picnic would be in Aug, Saturday or Sunday afternoon and evening.
NATIONAL ROBOTICS CHALLENGE: (April) MARC members staff entry points, sell tickets, programs, and paraphernalia.
MARION COUNTY FAIR: The Annual Marion County Fair is held each year and club members provide various duties during the fair’s entire week duration.
EDUCATION: Technician level classes (first license) are taught every spring. General License level classes are taught every Fall.
TESTING SESSIONS: 1st Sunday FEB, MAY, AUG, NOV @TV 39 station building. Registration begins at 2:30 pm, testing begins at 3:00 pm